Happy New Year!
回看一月剛立下的大計, 二月初已拋諸腦後. 然後, 生活依舊一日復一日.
沒有大起大落的情緒, 也沒有驚天動地的事發生.
不過, 平凡也是一種福份和快樂.
容我在這裡謝謝這年來各位好友的照顧和陪伴, 是你們讓我這一年也過得開心快樂.
在快將來臨的2006中, 我想:
想出走, 四處遊歷, 體驗生活
願來年大家的諸事順利, 生活如意, 幸福快樂!
今天晚上跟友人喝東西時, 忽然談起四面佛來. 眾人對四面佛的由來眾說紛紜,故小女子特意從網上搜集出以上的資料. 小女子參看過不少網站對四面佛的簡介後, 發覺內容都大同小異. 文中都說四面佛是一位守護神, 會保祐並祝福物主. 而且, 此大梵天王法力無邊, 不論是愛情, 財運或平安等, 幾乎都是有求必應.
不過問題來了, 既然是天神, 為什麼拜神的方法也有分為正常人家和偏門兩種呢? 雖然四面佛博愛無私, 可是宗教不都是導人向善嗎? 難過只要任何人誠心供奉四面佛, 他的要求都能一一實現嗎?
Have you ever got a feeling that you’ve been to an unknown place before, or have previously experienced a situation, or met a person before? We called this “Déjà vu”. It is an unexpected sensation of familiarity that applies to events, experience, sensory impressions, dreams etc which in general, the circumstances of living.
The term “Déjà vu” comes from French which means “already seen”. Psychiatrists defined it as “any subjectively inappropriate impression of familiarity of a present experience with an undefined past”. It was first used by E. Letter Boirac in 1876 to describe its experience. In some studies, it shown more women has experienced this phenomenon than men, and occurs higher in young people than aged.
During the past decades, there is a wide variance in theories explaining Déjà vu.
Some believed that it is just simply the mismatch made by brain related to memory and recollection. As brain only needs bits of sensory information to reconstruct the whole image, thus it may bring forward the entire memory image by taken the similar detailed experience in the past.
Another explanation for Déjà vu is that it is caused by the random firings of neurons in the temporal or frontal lobe portions of brain. The frontal lobe acts as a short term storage area and acts in conjunction with temporal lobe to solve logic problem or make decisions etc. Once the misfiring of neurons mistakenly place current sensory in the wrong “time slot”, thus “Déjà vu” may arise.
In some of the studies, it also points out that people are more likely to have experience déjà vu if they:
- Have an active imagination and recall their dreams easily.
- Are fatigued or under stress.
- Have extremely high levels of education and higher income.
- Are open-minded or politically liberal
To help with current research conducted by Dr. Funkhouser in exploring of Deja experience, Click here to finish the survey
Further Readings:
1. James Geary – Been There, Done that
2. Julia Johnson - UGH! I Just Got the Creepiest Feeling That I Have Been Here Before:Déjà vu and the Brain, Consciousness and Self
3. David Glenn – Psychologists are dusting off 19th-century explanations of déjà vu. Have we been here before?
4. Todd Murphy – Déjà vu: Here and Now, There and Then.
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偶爾收到友人發過來的信件, 得知了這個有趣的玩意, 也替自己建立了一個個人的地圖.
想去旅行想得發瘋的我, 希望有一天可以把這個地圖填得滿滿.
如果可以擁有叮噹的如意門, 你說多好?
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