平安夜 Silent Night

Posted by 小小小熊貓 on Friday, December 24, 2004 in
往年的平安夜都是在人堆中渡過, 不是尖沙咀, 便是銅鑼灣...根本已經記不起有多久沒有在鬧市中渡過這個佳節了.
今年, 因著小嵐的原故, 我們一眾好姊妹跑到火炭燒烤, 也算是打破了我們一貫的慣例了吧! 當然, 家餘的缺席也是另外一個例外.
真希望下年這個時候, 我已經一個人搬出來住, 到時候各好姊妹便能到我家作客, 也不用為聖誕要到那裡慶祝而費心了.

小嵐: 我們從來都不知道"行為能彰顯回憶", 謝謝你的苦心, 我們都會明白的.
家餘: 沒有你在的平安夜總像缺少什麼, 下年可別再缺席了, 因為從來都覺得平安夜要一眾好朋友在一起才高興.
Cher: 都是你最好, 陪我逛了半天去買聖誕禮物給大夥兒. 所以嘛,今年的聖誕禮物我特別用心包的,可沒有偏心.
敏儀: 你的生日離聖誕只相距數天, 結果, 多年來大部的慶祝都跟平安夜混在一起, 你却一句埋怨都沒有. 可是, 你放心好了, 往後都不會再發生了.
小鬼鬼: 謝謝你特別為我挑選的聖誕禮物, 說實在的, 還好不是Vivienne Westwood.

當然, 最驚喜的是回到家中, 竟然看到床頭放著一份包好的禮物. 雖然只是一對很普通的毛毛拖鞋, 可是, 它卻是這麼多年來我收過最窩心的聖誕禮物.



Posted by 小小小熊貓 on Sunday, December 19, 2004 in

經過多個月以來既籌備, 舊生會既第一個活動終於係2004年12月18日完滿結束...感覺係:終於鬆左一口氣
係咩都缺乏既情況下, 都總叫將呢個18舊夜搞得不俗吧.

還依稀記得當初阿Fred提及搞舊生會既時候, 我曾一口拒絕.
當中的名字也不知道轉了多少次, 才拼合到現在這一張17人的名單.
當初答應搞舊生會的目的, 一半是為了舊有的莊員, 一部份是為了消磨剛轉工時的空閒時間, 另一部份才是為了嶺南出一分力. 來到大半年後的今天, 心態改變了. 因著校方種種的阻力, 更令我希望可以把這個舊生會搞得有聲有色.

從來都說, 我真的很高興認識這一群莊員.


Christmas is all around

Posted by 小小小熊貓 on Saturday, December 18, 2004 in

Christmas is coming and it is my favorite festival of the year. At the moment, most of the walls were illuminated by the light bulbs. Also, you can find a lot of christmas decorations in the shopping malls and on the streets, so you can easily feel the festive mood.

Moreover, christmas presents also puzzle my head. Chooising a suitable present for your friends isn't a easy job at all, especially when you need to buy several christmas presents all at once. Exchange for christmas presents become routine in years among us and the task become harder year after year. When we were student, we could have more spare time and more choices to choose from. However, both of them were in inverse proportion to age.


Chong Gathering @ Magic Cafe

Posted by 小小小熊貓 on Sunday, November 21, 2004 in
Fred, Wah, Orange, Siu Nam, Joyce, Mac, Emily, Lok Lok, Seadog and Vivian: I'm glad to see all you guys again.

As for the birthday of Fred and Wah, I finally have motivation to arrange for this chong gathering.
I have not seen you guys since July's birthday and farewell gathering. That's almost four months!!!

By this time, I still cherish the friendship with my chong mate. Although time flies and everyone keep changes, but I believed some components remain unchanged among us and we did share the same memories. Except for keeping this simple mind, I would no longer devoting my time to arrange the chong gathering.

Fred: I really have no idea for the duties of Chief Executives except 吹水
Orange: Wife isn't an occupation and please pronounce you words more clearly
Siu Nam: 看門狗 isn't an occupation but 看更 is.
Wah: Thanks for introducing this funny game to us and 帶位員
Mac: It's amazing that you can thought of "Beating criminal" as a duty of Correctional Services Officer!!
LokLok: I have no idea for the duties of Senate members except they are dealing with the government affairs

In surprise, one of the friend of Fred is a fortune-teller of Tarot and she gave us a free tarot reading.
However, I thought her reading is not very accurate.
Love: The Mr. Right already exists and besides me. However, he seems like my subordinate as I am too strong. Unless I act more feminine, otherwise he may not have the courage to step forward
Career: A girl of sentiment. Overemotional may bring negative effect towards my performance and work tasks and finally the case get worse.


忙 Busy

Posted by 小小小熊貓 on Sunday, November 14, 2004 in
這陣子忙得不可開支, 整整大半個月, 好像除了工作之外, 還是工作.

沒有了星期六在San Franciso整埋相簿的閒情逸緻,



Travelling Live

Posted by 小小小熊貓 on Friday, October 08, 2004 in
有耳非文:何日君再來, 空中小姐
11.Autumn leaves
13.燕尾蝶 (Featuring with At 17)
14.Lost in L.A. (At 17)
18.State of mind
19.Piano man
21.Alone again (naturally)
22.Don't know why
26.The rainbow connection
28. Music
29. 19
2nd Encore
30.A case of you
31.The best is yet to come

Great Show!! This should be the best show that I ever seen as the performance was really impressive. In my recollection, I began to aware Chet’s music from “The Best Memories in My Life”, that was a great musical play too. Follow with the Viva Indie Concerts by Chet, Pancakes and Ketchup” and debut music show of Maggie Fu. A lot happened in this year and whenever I listen to Chet’s songs, I treaded down memory lane.

Open with "Suddenly Single" again. (Most of the Chet's concerts started with this song) He claimed that he was under the curse of being single and that's may be the reason why he chose this song. Follow with “Leaving is for coming back”, ending is for starting over again. There are whole lot of stuffs that need to be packed before departure, just like my journey to Nepal. I chose to leave but did not mean that I could leave everything behind. When I was on my way, I sudden realize that I am still not ready. Whenever I listen to this song, I remember my heart feeling in Nepal and the emptiness. “Leaving Prague” and “Back to Prague” are the favorite songs to me. Chet mentioned that he would weep whenever he sing these two songs and so do I.

“Leaving Prague” is talking about the regrets in meeting a right guy in the right timing, but wrong place. It seems like something’s always go wrong among these three. There is no “if” in reality and we are destined to miss each other if these three cannot match perfectly. As for “Back to Prague”, it talks about no matter where you have been, all things remain unchanged if you could not let go. Even I try how hard to run away from him, I still cannot let go of him. I had met several ones and wanted to get closer, but at last I suddenly realized that I still feel for him. Isn’t that funny that I cried for him again when I heard these two songs? I could only remember those good things and the pain goes on.

“Lost in L.A.” which performed by At.17 was really impressive. This song brought me down as both of the melody and lyrics are very sad. When you are trapped in a dilemma of a relationship and found no way to out, you would experience the sorrow mentioned in this song.

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