The 29th Film Festival - Part 3
Posted by 小小小熊貓
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
6. 目迷五色 Female

電影分為五個故事, 其中第三個故事的作者是唯川惠, 是眾多作家中最有名的一個.
Peach: 印象中日本描述有關師生戀的故事比較多,故事也是以此為題.女主角從城市回到故鄉,忽爾憶起中學時代與老師之間的情愛之事.
To the Place you see the Sun: 故事由一應召女郎誤上賊車開始,三人由敵對關係變為互訴心中情. 三人各有難處, 想逃避現實, 卻又有心無力.
Licking Nights: 女主角從市集買了一個香爐, 結果千方百計搜尋心儀男同事的頭髮放進香爐, 使得兩人能在夢中相見. 結果毅然選擇長眠不醒, 與男主角在夢中纏眠.
7. They Came Back

All on a sudden, the dead have come back all over the world. The film confined to the story happened in a French provincial town. Problems inevitably arise: Where will they stay? Who will feed them? Will they endanger the living with acts of vengeance for their deaths? In the first part of the film, people are tyring to manage this impossible reality in a scentific and political way: control and regulate it. However, those put forward these ideas - in particular mayor - seems to lose all control when confronted to their own dead. The story lies on three people with three age range: The mayor and his spouse (Age), Rachel and Mathieu (Adult), Parents and their son (Teenage). Each people have their own story and different perception towards the dead. This is a film about mourning - an extremely presonal process but presented as a worldwide crisis and share as a collective experience.
8. Look At Me 我看見的你是我自己
而副線則圍繞在歌唱老師Syliva及其丈夫Pierre, 兩人的生活均因著Etienne而起了改變: Pierre的作品終得到嘗識, 而Syliva的反應卻不如預期般高興.

電影分為五個故事, 其中第三個故事的作者是唯川惠, 是眾多作家中最有名的一個.
Peach: 印象中日本描述有關師生戀的故事比較多,故事也是以此為題.女主角從城市回到故鄉,忽爾憶起中學時代與老師之間的情愛之事.
To the Place you see the Sun: 故事由一應召女郎誤上賊車開始,三人由敵對關係變為互訴心中情. 三人各有難處, 想逃避現實, 卻又有心無力.
Licking Nights: 女主角從市集買了一個香爐, 結果千方百計搜尋心儀男同事的頭髮放進香爐, 使得兩人能在夢中相見. 結果毅然選擇長眠不醒, 與男主角在夢中纏眠.
7. They Came Back

All on a sudden, the dead have come back all over the world. The film confined to the story happened in a French provincial town. Problems inevitably arise: Where will they stay? Who will feed them? Will they endanger the living with acts of vengeance for their deaths? In the first part of the film, people are tyring to manage this impossible reality in a scentific and political way: control and regulate it. However, those put forward these ideas - in particular mayor - seems to lose all control when confronted to their own dead. The story lies on three people with three age range: The mayor and his spouse (Age), Rachel and Mathieu (Adult), Parents and their son (Teenage). Each people have their own story and different perception towards the dead. This is a film about mourning - an extremely presonal process but presented as a worldwide crisis and share as a collective experience.
8. Look At Me 我看見的你是我自己
而副線則圍繞在歌唱老師Syliva及其丈夫Pierre, 兩人的生活均因著Etienne而起了改變: Pierre的作品終得到嘗識, 而Syliva的反應卻不如預期般高興.