The 29th Film Festival - Part 2
Posted by 小小小熊貓
Saturday, April 02, 2005
4. The Immortal

The Riveras is a household cleaved asunder by the conflicts between the Sandinistas and the Contras, with one brother fighting another on opposite sides. All the while, the surrounding village is itself brimming with allusions to God, man, nature and the tensions and conflicts between them. As the country recovers from the madness of its recent history, an evangelical bus rolls along, giving hollow salvation to those most desperate for an answer.
It is a film talking about post-war phase. Through the interview of a Nicaragua family in the countryside, a common experience shared by most of the people, the director displayed the serious impacts of wars: Live in despair.
Another interesting phase pointed out by the film is that most of the people feel they are both victims and excutioners, i.e.: they are all guilty and responsible for what happened on them.
5. 蜘蛛森林

圍繞一宗神秘謀殺案, 一個男人一段關於愛情的回憶之旅. 電影在現實與未來之中穿插, 以倒敍的手法去交代整個故事, 主角透過一段又一段的回憶片段抽絲剝繭, 逐步去解開謎團.
與一般懸疑片不同, 本人與友人在看畢影片後仍未能解開影片中所有的謎題: 打電話的神秘人是誰? 主角Kang Min為何在片末又再發生意外? Min Soo-in是人還是蜘蛛森林中被困的幽靈?
在此片中印象最深的是Min Soo有關於蜘蛛森林的傳說: 蜘蛛森林是一個亡人逗留的地方, 在那兒, 被遺忘的幽靈會給蜘蛛纏住. 直到再次有人記起這些靈魂時, 他們才得到解放. 我們都會為別人的逝世而感到傷心難過. 然而日子一久, 我們都會逐漸遺忘了死亡帶來的傷痛. 人死後, 他的一切一切, 最終都會給遺忘.