Sex and the City
Posted by 小小小熊貓
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

發現Poly Library有整套片子後, (應該是付了萬元學費最大既benefit)
花了一個多月的時間逐集追看, 終於在前幾天看完了.
從First season既定位摸索,
一直到Final season既perfect ending.
The stories are incredibly interesting and funny.
四個性格截然不同的single Manhattan women,
sharing and talk about their love and sex lives,
experiencing up and down, change and growth.
There must be some moments, that you were touched by the scene,
because it reflects the past of you.
It might be the monogamous relationship, freaking, timing or any other situations.
To me, it comes to the Episode "Escape from New York" in season 3. When Carrie travel to LA to get away from the whole mess, she sudden realized that "No matter how far you travel or how much you can run from it...can you ever really escape from your past?".
In my journey, even though how far I go away or how many cities that I've been, I knew the wounds are still there and they can never be vanished from my life. But maybe, I can just give up the ghost and move on. Because you'll realize that you're the one who is holding the key to escape, if we can overcame many hurdles to become who we're, why bother this time?
Another exciting idea to tell from the show is that single women can still be happy and fun.
Somehow, you knew well that your own identity should not have to be dependent upon another person, or being married. But when it's come to the time that most of your friends were starting to get marriage, you start to wonder the stigma of being single.
And it's always comforting to find out that "It's okay for a woman to be single and fabulous".
Among the episodes, one of my favorite scenes is the night that Carrie is moving to Paris and runs into Mr. Big outside of her apartment. The scripts are sad and I was touched beyond words. Through all these years, it's the first time that Carrie really yelled at Mr. Big.
Carrie: You do this every time! Every time!
Do you have some kind of radar? Carrie might be happy, it's time to swipe and shit all over it?
Big: What? No, no. Look, I came here to tell you something. I made a mistake, you and I...
Carrie: "You and I", nothing!
You cannot do this to me again! You cannot jerk me around.
Big: Carrie, listen, it's different
Carrie: It's never different, is six years! And it's never being different.
But this is it! I'm done!
Don't call me ever again. Forget you know my number.
In fact, forget you know my name.
And you can drive down the street all you want because I don't live here anymore.
In matter of loves, we never know when and what is enough, but probably your heart will tells you where to go.
When I'm watching the show, I couldn't stop thinking about Carrie's column.
Is there such a thing as "relationship karma" that we need to pay for what we've done wrong in one relationship in the next? When we messed it all up, is there an open and shut case of karmic retribution waiting for us?
And are we all, just old fashioned girls believe in soul mate which hasn't give up on the endless search of love and romanticism?
Maybe it's like what Carrie wrote in her column:
"Soul mate" Two little words. One big concept. A belief that someone, somewhere, is holding the key to your heart and your dream house. All you have to do is find them. So where is this person? And if you love someone and it didn't work out, does that mean they weren't your soul mate?
Maybe no matter how far we've gone, deep inside our heart, we're still waiting to be saved.