Om Shanti Om
Posted by 小小小熊貓
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
第一次跟《Om Shanti Om》相遇, 是去年在印度旅行. 可惜, 那次太忽忙, 來不及在當地的電影院欣賞.
終於, 這次在Summer IFF載譽重演, 才不至於錯過了這套好電影.
這套Bolloywood電影, 在印度的當紅程度就跟九十年代的賀歲電影般, 常常會在大街小巷聽到內裡的歌曲.
當然, 主打的還有Bolloywood拿手的歌舞場片.
雖然劇情老掉了牙, 卻絲毫沒有俗氣的感覺, 令人看得賞心悅目.
當中, 最喜歡的是一眾Bolloywood紅星在慶功宴上客串演出的Deeewangi Deewangi和那別出心裁的紅地毯End Credit.
而男主角Shah Rukh Khan 在得獎後所發表的演說, 真的很感人.
"If you really want something with all your heart, then the universe will work in every way possible, to help you to get it ....
Thank you for making me believe that just like in our films, in life too. Finally in the end, everything is ok. Happy Endings.
And if it is not happy, then the story is not the end."
P.S.: 不知怎的, 女角出場時, 一把秀髮勢必如拍洗髮水廣告時飄逸.
終於, 這次在Summer IFF載譽重演, 才不至於錯過了這套好電影.
這套Bolloywood電影, 在印度的當紅程度就跟九十年代的賀歲電影般, 常常會在大街小巷聽到內裡的歌曲.
當然, 主打的還有Bolloywood拿手的歌舞場片.
雖然劇情老掉了牙, 卻絲毫沒有俗氣的感覺, 令人看得賞心悅目.
當中, 最喜歡的是一眾Bolloywood紅星在慶功宴上客串演出的Deeewangi Deewangi和那別出心裁的紅地毯End Credit.
而男主角Shah Rukh Khan 在得獎後所發表的演說, 真的很感人.
"If you really want something with all your heart, then the universe will work in every way possible, to help you to get it ....
Thank you for making me believe that just like in our films, in life too. Finally in the end, everything is ok. Happy Endings.
And if it is not happy, then the story is not the end."
P.S.: 不知怎的, 女角出場時, 一把秀髮勢必如拍洗髮水廣告時飄逸.