Room Makeover

從網站上看到這玩意, 讓我可以自己設計自己的房間.
從牆紙, 床到其他傢俱, 房間中的每一件物品都可以隨你喜好所挑選.
雖然網站內提供的傢俬種類不多, 可是, 配搭出來的效果還蠻不俗.
在我還沒有能力搬出來住的時候, 讓自我幻想一下也是好的.
有興趣的話, 可到這裡玩一下.

Déjà vu
Have you ever got a feeling that you’ve been to an unknown place before, or have previously experienced a situation, or met a person before? We called this “Déjà vu”. It is an unexpected sensation of familiarity that applies to events, experience, sensory impressions, dreams etc which in general, the circumstances of living.
The term “Déjà vu” comes from French which means “already seen”. Psychiatrists defined it as “any subjectively inappropriate impression of familiarity of a present experience with an undefined past”. It was first used by E. Letter Boirac in 1876 to describe its experience. In some studies, it shown more women has experienced this phenomenon than men, and occurs higher in young people than aged.
During the past decades, there is a wide variance in theories explaining Déjà vu.
Some believed that it is just simply the mismatch made by brain related to memory and recollection. As brain only needs bits of sensory information to reconstruct the whole image, thus it may bring forward the entire memory image by taken the similar detailed experience in the past.
Another explanation for Déjà vu is that it is caused by the random firings of neurons in the temporal or frontal lobe portions of brain. The frontal lobe acts as a short term storage area and acts in conjunction with temporal lobe to solve logic problem or make decisions etc. Once the misfiring of neurons mistakenly place current sensory in the wrong “time slot”, thus “Déjà vu” may arise.
In some of the studies, it also points out that people are more likely to have experience déjà vu if they:
- Have an active imagination and recall their dreams easily.
- Are fatigued or under stress.
- Have extremely high levels of education and higher income.
- Are open-minded or politically liberal
To help with current research conducted by Dr. Funkhouser in exploring of Deja experience, Click here to finish the survey
Further Readings:
1. James Geary – Been There, Done that
2. Julia Johnson - UGH! I Just Got the Creepiest Feeling That I Have Been Here Before:Déjà vu and the Brain, Consciousness and Self
3. David Glenn – Psychologists are dusting off 19th-century explanations of déjà vu. Have we been here before?
4. Todd Murphy – Déjà vu: Here and Now, There and Then.

Petit Blythe "Peppy Panda Garden"

Petit Blythe "Peppy Panda Garden"
Contents: Doll, stand, panda outfit, apron with flower
Price: 1,890 Yen (tax inclusive), 折合約港幣130元左右
Scheduled: October 5, 2005

所以, 我已經把她抱回家了.

從柬埔寨回來以後, 一直想寫下旅程的感想.
結果, 在整整一個星期的地獄式工作之後, 才終於有機會下筆.
提起柬埔寨, 大部人想到的只有沒完沒了的戰火, 地雷和吳哥窟.
其實, 柬埔寨亦曾擁有過璀璨的文明. 古代的吳哥皇朝國力強盛, 連泰國和越南都曾歸入其版圖, 而吳哥窟亦是於那時候所興建的. 後來, 皇朝衰弱, 先後被泰國,越南和法國統治過. 直到1953年, 才由國王施漢諾宣佈獨立. 可惜, 於1975年又被波爾布特為首的赤柬軍隊屠殺了三百萬人口, 在1979年時才結束了這為期三年多的黑陰歲月. 在赤柬下台後, 柬埔寨仍經歷了多年的內戰. 連年戰火, 使過個歷史的古國, 錯失了發展經濟的良機.
來柬埔寨, 為的是一睹世界七大奇蹟之一的吳哥窟.
吳哥窟, 其實只是整個吳哥古蹟的其中一個遺蹟. 事實上, 整個吳哥古蹟的範圍足足有四萬平米.
其中四個最有名的古蹟是: 大吳哥城(Angkor Thom), 塔普倫寺(Ta Prohm Temple), 女王廟(Bantear Srei) 和吳哥窟(Angkor Wat).
當你身處在這些古蹟中, 真的不得不讚嘆高棉人的智慧及藝術細胞:
五十四座寶塔上的四面佛雕像, 縱橫交錯的樹根盤纏於古樸的建築塔上, 塔身石柱上精緻的仙女浮雕, 一幅幅石雕和迴廊壁畫, 水中倒影的五座寶塔, 斜達七十度的石梯.
目睹過柬埔寨最光輝璀璨的一面後, 卻也看過柬埔寨陰暗的一面.
赤柬罪惡館曾經是一所校舍, 後來被赤柬軍隊改建成囚禁及處決知識份子的S-21監獄. 在赤柬的3年中, 不知多少人被施以剝皮、鑽腦、鞭打等極刑, 最後只有7人能保存其性命.
儘管事過境遷,變為博物館的校舍靜謐依舊,但卻仍殘存一份陰森可怖的感覺. 說實話,當我看到一間間的囚室內的刑具、一幅幅受害者的照片,還有那揮之不去的血腥味. 腦中不禁幻想出當時慘絕人寰的境況, 心頭為之一酸.
回到香港, 偶爾看到一本遊記, 當中的一段說話說中了我的心坎中:
"在旅途中沒有愁哀, 因為每天都是新的景物. 因為可以每天設想新的夢想, 而不必擔心夢想的難以實現. 因為遇上的每一個旅人, 都是朋友. 我在生命中的空檔中來到這些遙遠的國度, 設法尋找一種理想的生活, 結果是諷刺地發現旅程就是最理想的生活. 走在異國的城市裡, 我永遠不會過問旅行的目的, 盡情的享受當下, 像享受暑假. 一旦旅程結束我又會誠惶誠恐的問: 生命為何? 苦難為何? 也許我仍未長大, 仍是在逃避責任, 逃避那些重重複複但又真實得要命的所謂生活. 只有旅行, 能讓我化身為一個熱情的女子.
<節錄自: 楊秀慧 - 吃一碗玉米飯再上路>
每一次旅行, 都是一次心靈的洗滌.
下個目的地: 由西藏, 經尼泊爾再到印度